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Our Journey & History

The International Prayer Assembly was held in Korea in 1984. It was a powerful rocket thrust that ignited many of the national and regional prayer efforts we see in force today. The International Prayer Assembly was catalytic in encouraging the formation of many  networks as well as numerous special prayer initiatives that the Lord used to bless His Church and bring transformation to the nations.

After more than 27 years, we believed that there was a need to hold another International Prayer Assembly – The WORLD PRAYER ASSEMBLY (WPA) in 2012.

WHO WE ARE ?The World Prayer Assembly (WPA) is not an organization. It is a gathering of Christian leaders around the world to seek God’s plan and pray for transformation in the nations. The World Prayer Assembly was held on May 14-18, 2012 in Jakarta, Indonesia.

The theme of the World Prayer Assembly (WPA) 2012 was A New Wave is Coming. WPA 2012 was a stepping stone to see the fulfilment of God’s plan in Habakkuk 2:14. The prayer and mission movements moving together like two streams flowing as one river, integrating and supporting one another, would be the way Habakkuk’s word would be fulfilled.

WPA 2012 saw many new partnerships forged across the nations, denominations and generations. There had been a marked increase in momentum at the event and prayer and mission movements have collaborated together in taking the Gospel to the unreached nations of the world.
In 2022, WPA 2.0 was held in Indonesia. Due to the pandemic, we shifted primarily to an online format. It was streamed to millions around the world.

More about WPA

The World Prayer Assembly in 2012 released a ‘New Wave’ – connecting prayer, and missions movements worldwide to fill the earth with the knowledge of God’s glory (Hab. 2:14). And now, our vision is that WPA will continue to unite the Body of Christ to build upon this foundation in prayer and work together to bring the Gospel, the Good News of Jesus to all the world’s peoples and cities before He returns (Matthew 24:14).


WPA 2023 is an opportunity to unite in prayer across nations, denominations and generations for the fulfillment of the great commission. Missions will join online in united prayer as God’s global family.


WPA 2023 is an opportunity to unite in prayer across nations, denominations and generations for the fulfillment of the great commission. Missions will join online in united prayer as God’s global family.


We come together each day for Prayer Celebrations focused on 3 primary areas of prayer, missions and the generations!

110 Cities…

As we look forward into this next decade, coming out of WPA we want to raise up a global canopy of united, strategic and sustainable prayer for 110 unreached cities of the world. 98 percent of the remaining unreached peoples are found in these cities. We are asking God to raise up 110 million people to pray 15 minutes a day for these 110 cities—praying for a Bible, a believer and a body of Christ to be established in each one of them…
The largest house churches right now in the world are training and sending workers to these cities to plant churches and make disciples. They are Ripe for the Harvest! As Jesus said in Luke 10:2, “The harvest is plentiful, but the labourers are few. Therefore pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest.”
The context of these verses show us that Jesus was going from city to city preaching the gospel of the kingdom and now he is sending his disciples to follow him, going city to city, village to village.
So during this World Prayer Assembly 2023 we will ask the Lord of the Harvest to hurl forth labourers to reach these 110 cities for Christ to finish the task of the Great Commission in our generation!


Together as ONE, we will look forward for His Glory and we will look forward for His Glory, for our Joy and for the salvation of the peoples of the earth! Amen and Amen!

Dr Jason Hubbard – Co-Chair
Daniel Pandji – Co-Chair