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Bank Transfer

Swift Code: BKWAAU6P
BSB No: 306-412
Account No: 0025207
Reference WPAA or World Prayer Assembly Australia.

For any amount above $1,000 Australia Dollar equivalent, we advice to use bank transfer to avoid surcharges from merchant.
We desire to see every tribe, family and generation come together for this event

And we ask that you would prayerfully partner with us through your financial contribution as a sponsor to make this happen.

With the increasing effects of disunity and division we have experienced in our world since 2020, the world needs the Body of Christ joining together united as one humanity building bridges of hope and unity between denominations, Jews and Gentiles, young and old, fathers and sons, mother and daughters and every nationality.

A cry needs to be heard across the nations of the earth to see His Kingdom come and His Will be done on earth as it is in Heaven to usher in a wave of Glory. Since its launch in Korea in 1984, World Prayer Assembly has been gathering, teaching and praying in various nations of the world, and this year the eyes of the Lord are on Perth, Western Australia.

Our mission goes beyond Australia, Oceania and the Pacific to reach other nations with a vision to gather in Israel in 2024.

By sowing to the work of the WPA (World Prayer Assembly), you will be ensuring that this mission is to see the fulfilment of John 17 continues from the outback of Australia to the ends of the earth.

“I do not pray for these alone, but also for those who will believe in Me through their word; that they all may be one, as You, Father, are in Me, and I in You; that they also may be one in Us, that the world may believe that You sent Me. — Jesus (John 17:20 NKJV)

Don’t miss this unique opportunity to plant a seed into good soil for a Kingdom return & an ongoing global legacy of prayer for future generations to be united in Christ